How to install BINGOOO
Please make a double-click on the bingoooXXX.exe-file to install BINGOOO. The installation will proceed automatically then. xxx stands for the actual version's number.
In case you are using a Proxy-Server or/and your system is equipped with a Firewall, you have do make the following settings.
1. Open the window General Options with the command General Options under the menu Options.
2. Open the register Connection with a mouse click.
3. Here you can define the required setting or give the specific keywords. Your system administrator will tell you the required data.
If you have installed Internet Explorer you will find the required data under Extras | Internet Options | Connections | LAN | Proxy Server.
When you are working with a private PC you probably don't need to enter anything.
You can find further information under:
Register Connection (Dialogue General options)
BINGOOO Installation
Proxy server